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Creating a Culture of Growth


Many companies claim to be “the best” workplace you can have. This claim, coupled with eye-catching office spaces and striking posts, invites a lot of attention from job seekers.

The question is, what does it really mean to be ‘the best’ workplace? Here at Filta, the answer is simple: being the best company to work for means you create a culture of growth.

What does growth mean for us? It means excellence-driven initiatives, extraordinary ideas, a collaborative mindset, and a positive work environment; It means we’re obsessed with bringing the ultimate experience to all our ecosystems; It means we take care of our staff’s personal and professional advancement and well-being.

“Near enough is never good enough.”

– Efrem Chaux, co-Founder and CEO of Filta

This is even more apparent now that we’re all working virtually.

We asked several Filta employees to tell us why they love working with us. Check out their answers below:

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We hosted a virtual dance party to end our rainy July. We called in a dance expert, Coach Jomatzz, to teach us awesome hip-hop moves. We learned how to groove and process our emotions with dance. Watch us work those emotions below:

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In case you missed it, here are links to the recordings of our webinars:

FFED Live Series #16: Starting your Career as a Front-End Developer

The Fundamentals of SEO for Beginners

This obsession with providing the ultimate experience on all fronts does not end when we log off work. Filta’s culture of growth is something we wake up to do every single day.

How about you, what kind of culture do you have at work? 😊

Check out other blogs:

The Best Minds Come Together at FiltaCon 2022

Building a High-Performing Remote Team: How to Hire and Retain Top Talent

Building an International Global Workforce Consultancy