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Filta Implements Mental Health Day for its Employees


World Mental Health Day aims to address and empower people to see beyond the biases regarding mental health and according to the World Health Organization or WHO, it also aims to mobilize efforts in support of mental health and provides an opportunity or platform for all trailblazers working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. Several companies have already implemented their World Mental Health Day in-line with the world celebration to showcase their support and care, not only for their own staff, but those beyond the borders of their company walls.

What happened

As September began and people are starting to ease back into working around the world, several companies have given their employees an extra week of paid leave like the multinational corporations BUMBLE, LinkedIn, & NIKE and quoting Matt Marrazzo, a senior manager at nike, that “This past year has been rough—we’re all human! and living through a traumatic event!—but I’m hopeful that the empathy and grace we continue to show our teammates will have a positive impact on the culture of work moving forward,” this decision was backed by the wish they had to battle the so called “COVID Burnout” that so many employees have experienced working this past 2 years during the pandemic since many have been carrying mental burdens while pushing through work and while many people also lost their jobs during this pandemic.

A study by William Klemm Ph.D., also suggests how a mental reflection and rest, boosts work effectiveness, learning and how mental downtime protects temporary memory from erasure. The study also shows why rest, not thinking about when the next deadline or due project is more helpful on a day-to-day basis and considering our current state during this pandemic, we all need appropriate rest and not only to avoid burnouts but to take care of ourselves and each other.

How it Works for Filta

As the test group, on September 17th, 2021, starting from 10:30 A.M. Manila time, there will be no notifications, no emails, no calls, or basically no work for the rest of the day for the marketing team.

This will be a time for the team to recharge, rest, and recuperate.

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